The Growing Edge
with Carrie Newcomer & Parker J. Palmer
The Growing Edge is an exciting new collaborative endeavor with Carrie Newcomer and beloved author, Parker J. Palmer. The Growing Edge includes retreats, a monthly podcast, online conversation and spoken words and music events.
Parker J. Palmer is a writer, teacher, and activist whose growing edge is learning how to live an engaged and creative life as an elder on “the brink of everything.”
The Growing Edge Podcast
You’re invited to join us for our monthly podcast! Our episodes will feature conversations between Parker and Carrie, focused on our Question of the Month and other Growing Edge topics. Occasionally, we’ll invite some wise and wonderful friends of ours to share their insights on the topic we’re exploring. You can listen at or subscribe to our show via Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or SoundCloud and get the latest episode every week.
Episode 22: Revolutionary Love - A Conversation With Valarie Kaur
Episode 19: A Conversation w/ Over The Rhine - Musicians Karin Bergquist & Lindford Detweiler
“The Music Will Play On”
Song Premiere & Free MP3 Download
Words & Music by Parker J. Palmer, Music by Carrie Newcomer
August 1, 2020
The Growing Edge releases a new music single.
We're very excited about this new collaborative project—Check it out!
To get the lyrics, learn more about the song, the collaboration and to get your free copy visit our website HERE.
Or download mp3 below.
What's the Growing Edge in your life?
Life forever invites us to grow into new challenges, new adventures, new opportunities to learn and to serve.
What’s your growing edge? Maybe it’s a quest for meaning or purpose. Or for a vocation where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need. Or for ways to join others in working for the common good. Whatever it may be, you’re invited to join us in this online and in-person gathering of people who seek to grow toward the light, even in times of darkness.
Through online conversations, podcasts, and face-to-face retreats—supported by prose, poetry, and music—together we’ll explore where life is calling us next.
Our collaboration in words and music has produced two 90-minute song and spoken word events, written and performed with our good friend and colleague, virtuoso pianist Gary Walters.
In 2012, we created Healing the Heart of Democracy: A Gathering of Spirits for the Common Good.
In 2017, we created What We Need Is Here: Hope, Hard Times & the Human Possibility.
Both shows have been presented multiple times to audiences ranging from 300 to 2000.
Weaving music with the spoken word, these shows engage both the heart and the mind around growing edge questions in areas ranging from personal to vocational to political life.
To download more information about the show click the button below.
Learn More & Get Involved

“Carrie Newcomer is the most insightful and lyrical singer-songwriter I know…”